澳洲留学论个人在组织里的分工!!!一休的木鱼(2015/10/23 17:31:17) 点击:
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115.* * * 分工是个人角色的专业化。它往往与增加生产和贸易有关。根Smith(2010),分工是有效的,因为三个原因:一个专业化分工,从保持不改变储蓄的任务,和人力机械的地方。此外,考虑投资回报分析专业审计费用一致,说明这两审计合伙人行业专业化和职业化的价值认可的大型股上市公司财务报表的使用者和/或公司内部人士,从而在这些公约的高成本(Zerni,2012)。此外,一个强大的团队奖励突发事件刺激合作。随着时间的推移,越来越多的合作选择削弱表面的水平(人口),并影响团队业绩的多样性。然而,他们要加强(心理)的多样性,这些深层次。此外,感知的多样性和团队的多样性却转移到社会,从而影响性能的影响(哈里森等,等,2002)。雷德克里夫&安得利(2012)证明显示舞者和电脑操作员-共同创造一个中间空间,现实世界的机器,由谁占领了虚拟世界的工人是一个相互耦合的和平等的伙伴关系。在极端情况下,机器般的控制,工艺和舞蹈反映了重复的体力活,工业和后工业工作所需的力量。(2008)Sapru说他的做法强调人类行为的情绪和心理方面的组织问题。
Division of labor is a personal role specialization. It is often associated with increasing production and trade. According to Smith (2010), the division of labor is efficient, due to three reasons: a professional specialization, the task of saving from keeping no change, and the place of human labor machinery. In addition, consider investing in specialized consistent returns for audit fees analysis, which showed that these two audit partner industry specialization and professionalization of large listed companies recognized the valued users of financial statements and / or company insiders, which results in higher costs in these conventions (Zerni, 2012). In addition, a strong team reward contingencies stimulate collaboration. As time passes, more and more cooperation select to weaken the surface level (population) and to affect diversity on team results. However, they would like to strengthen the (psychological) of the diversity of these deep-seated. In addition, the perception of diversity and the diversity of the team actually transferred into society, thereby affecting the performance are affected (Harrison et., al, 2002). Radcliffe & Angliss (2012) proved that the show - dancers and computer operator - work together to create an intermediate space, real-world machine, by workers who occupied the virtual world is a mutual coupling and equality partnership. In extreme cases, the machine-like control, craft and dance reflect duplication of physical endurance to survive, the required strength of industrial and post-industrial work. Sapru (2008) said his approach emphasizes the problem emotional and psychosocial aspects of human behavior in organizations.本文出自:http://www.assignmentring.org