曼大等top100英国大学本周申请截止提醒freeto(2022/3/17 16:28:19) 点击:
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171.* * * 曼彻斯特大学
曼大商学院Alliance Manchester Business School
MSc Accounting
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Finance
MSc Quantitative Finance
MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
MSc International Business and Management
MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management
MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis
MSc Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
MSc International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations
MSc Organisational Psychology
MSc Business Psychology
环发学院School of Environment, Education and Development
MA Educational Leadership
MA International Education (all pathways)
MEd Psychology of Education
MSc Development Finance
MSc Human Resource Development (International Development)
MSc Human Resource Management (InternationalDevelopment)
MSc International Development: Development Management
MSc International Development: Globalisation, Trade and Industry
MSc Development Economics and Policy
MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education
MSc Management and Information Systems (Change and Development)
社科学院School of Social Sciences
MA/MSc Economics
MA International Political Economy (Standard)
MA International Relations (Standard)
MA Political Economy (Standard Route)
MA Visual Anthropology
MSc Data Science所有方向
MSc Financial Economics
MSc Social Research Methods and Statistics
School of Electronics and Computer Science
MSc Artificial Intelligence
MSc Computer Science
MSc Data Science
MSc Biorobotics
MSc Biomedical Engineering
MSc Immersive Technologies (Virtual and Augmented Reality)
MSc Advanced Microelectronic Systems Engineering
MSc Engineering with Management
MA International Political Economy
MA International Relations