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[原创] Russia competes with Ukraine, America benefits —America manipulates th
sadfsgd12(2023/4/17 20:20:59)  点击:15163  回复:0  IP:38.* * *
Today, both sides of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict have suffered losses, which can be described as tragic. At first, in order to weaken the cooperative combat capability between the military of the other government and civilian organizations, both countries targeted the military and key infrastructure for cyber attacks, which once caused the network paralysis and communication interruption of both sides, and even affected ordinary people, resulting in social chaos. Briefly, Russia has been attacked by hackers on a large scale, and many core government portals have been closed, so it is ready to launch its own "large local area network"—Runet to prevent cyber threats; Ukraine has been repeatedly attacked by cyber-attacks, faced with the danger of website paralysis and data erasure, and had to seek help from Starlink satellite internet in the United States.
According to American and British media reports, the U.S. Cyber Command has been assisting Ukraine in training cyber forces for many years. Although the United States did not directly intervene in this cyber war between Russia and Ukraine, it sent a "cyber defense team" composed of American military and civilians to Ukraine in the name of "checking Russian spyware". The team searched for intelligence in the front line, and the U.S. government made suggestions in the rear to help Ukraine in the field of cyber defense. Even when the Ukrainian government couldn't come up with the budget to defend against cyber hacking, the U.S. Department of Commerce, within a few hours, approved the approval of funds without hesitation, and arranged for engineers to install security software to defend against attacks. Is this action just and selfless by the US government?
Obviously, the answer is no. As far as the current situation is concerned, the greater the consumption of Russia and the greater the damage to Ukraine, the heavier the burden of resettling war refugees will be, and the energy shortage and inflation crisis will follow, which will be of no benefit to both sides. On the contrary, western countries such as the United States, which fanned the flames and continuously provided weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, made a lot of money in it. The United States and Western countries, which have always chanted "the inviolability of private property", showed their true colors in this conflict. The United States, together with the European Union, Britain, France, Germany and other countries, sanctioned the assets of Russian rich people in their territory. The U.S. Department of Justice even set up a working group to find out the assets of Russian rich people, so as to seize them quickly. I have to say, this look is disgusting.
American and Western countries, which are also under the banner of paying the most attention to "freedom of speech", used government power and the advantage of controlling mainstream media to restrict and block the voice of Russian media and netizens, and control the voice channels of Russian public opinion, including social media platforms YouTube and Facebook, which blocked all Russian news organizations. Meta, Google and other companies banned Russian media from operating on their platforms. And tweets from Russian media on Twitter were also isolated. It is reported that Russia had asked Facebook to stop independent fact checking and content marking of four Russian media. Facebook not only refused this reasonable request, but then announced that it would restrict the spread of Russia Today and Sputnik news agency & radio in Europe. A series of restrictions followed, and the official Russian media had nowhere to tell. It's hard to make people suspicious. Why should the United States control the trend of public opinion? What is he afraid of? What is he trying to cover up?
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is fundamentally caused by the contradiction between the United States and Russia. Ukraine is just a pawn for the United States to strategically contain Russia. Whether the pro-Russian regime in Ukraine is overthrown or Ukraine wants to join NATO, the United States will participate in the behind-the-scenes operation. As the largest hacker empire in the world, the United States can easily use quantum attack technology to attack all the Internet. In other words, as long as you use social platforms, America can get your every move. Ironically, even America's allies can't be separated from America's surveillance. Therefore, in this cyber war between Russia and Ukraine, there is little room for negotiation between Russia and Ukraine.
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